Friday 4 July 2014

Peachy Pink

Haven't posted in ages whoops!

Today I have some Peachy Pink Gradient nails to share with you.
Manicure on Left Hand
I used Barry M nail polishes for the whole design. 
Barry M All in One Base and Top Coat
Barry M Peach Melba
Barry M Grapefruit
Barry M White
For 4 of the nails on each hand gradient. Two fingers with just peach and pink and the other two with white, peach and pink. to do the gradient I used make up sponges and did three layers. I then painted a leopard print pattern on the thumbs with a detailing brush and put in zebra stripes on the ring fingers with a liner brush. For the pinky fingers and pointer fingers I printed on some newspaper print using surgical spirit which I find works amazingly! For the middle fingers I used a no water marbling technique inspired by Robin Moses. It is such an easy technique that gives amazing results every time especially for those of us that find water marbling impossible.
Manicure on Right Hand

I really love how these nails turned out please share your recreations if you try them out! 


Friday 7 February 2014

Barry M

Barry M is my favourite beauty brand ever. One of my favourite products by them are their kohl pencils. The eyeliner versions make it sooo much easier to apply eyeliner and the eyeshadow pencils make it a lot easier to control. It is perfectfor  the clumsy and the busy!

I also adore their nail polishes and screamed when I heard they were creating a Silk Collection. I love the blue, pink and green the best. I hope they look as good on the nail as in the bottle.
My favourite collection by them are the Royal Glitters. They are absolutely stunning. 
My favourites are Countess (far right) and Princess (far left). They are mattte and full of sparkle. Within two coats it is fully opaque. 
I have also tried doing designs with these amazing polishes and my favourite is one using atriping tape. I painted my nail white and once dry I applied a criss cross design with the striping tape. Then i painted over with Countess. After experimenting I discovered that removing the tape while wet with tweezers gives the neatest results. Comment if you try this design!

Tuesday 4 February 2014

Oh Neela!

So my kitty keeps getting more curious by the day. She discovered how to get onto the kitchen worktop in one jump...she is so skilled but the concept of No is something she finds hard to accept. 
In the mornings while i am having breakfast she will stand by my feet looking up at me while meowing. She wants to be picked up so that she can sit on the table with me. She will meow at me as if she is talking and gets louder when I reply. Only once I pick her up does she stop and starts purring happily. 
Another thing she does is wake up at about six on the dot every morning. We leave her in the guest room but it's more like Neela's room now. She meows and howls until she is released from the room. Then she rubs herself against you and asks to be picked up. But you can't just leave her downstairs nope she wants company. She will then sit outside my door meowing asking me to come out and play with her. It's fine on weekdays but she does the same thing on weekends. 
I love her to death and her Bengal personality is evolving as days go on. She os getting more playful and wiser. The other day I dropped my make up brush and she decided it was hers. She took it in her mouth and bolted out with it to her room where she attacked it as if it was a living bird or mouse. She also leeps jumping into the bath with or without people and drinks the droplets of water even though there is a perfectly fine bowl of clean water waiting for her. 
Neela after jumping in the shower with me. 

She loves to bite gently and then lick. Without getting her claws out she kicks and plays with you as if your hand is a mouse. I love her soooo much. 
Intently watching TV

Saturday 1 February 2014

Headaches and Migraines

A quick cure for headaches and migranes is peppermint oil. Rub it into the sides of your forehead and make sure not to get it into your eyes. 

Tuesday 28 January 2014

Illness/Disease and Poverty

Why does illness/disease and poverty exist? Yes we know disease is caused by germs and poverty because richer countries waste money leaving nothing for the poor but why do certain people get chosen to have a certain illness or to be born into poverty. Did they do something bad in the past or a past life? Or will all of us face something horrific in one of lives or life? Is it just to make us stronger?
Imagine the world without disease and poverty...wouldn't life be soo much easier? 
I was given an illness. I have juvenile arthritis and it developed when I was 11. Old people usually get it and it makes joints ache and swell meeaning you can't move. It just spontaneously appeared and it has completely changed me. Not only has it made me stronger it has also made me more depressed. Living with an illness is not fun and yes there are millions of illnesses like cancer that are a LOT worse and I'm very thankful I have not suffered from them but it is hard at low times for me not to ask Why me? What did I do to deserve this? It has made me more ambitious and more sad. I want to be the best and prove that I am as good as everyone around me but I also want sit in my room and sob my eyes out. 
A lot has changed since I was diagnosed. I used to do 4 hours of dance twice a week, be on the tennis and netball team and go swimming a couple of times a week. But then I was in pain and all that stopped. What do I do next? I needed to have something to show that I wasn't just the ill kid so I decided to play an instrument. I began to play the piano and start singing and began taking grades. However as fun as learning an instrument was, it wasn't me. i'm meant to be sporty not musical. I would still like to go back to dancing and finish all my grades; I started at the age of 3 and I'm not going to stop till i do all 8 grades and reach my goal even if i'm 50 by the end!
The lowest of the lows was one Christmas Day on which I had to spend in hospital. I had to have steroids via an IV which was just horrible. They kept trying to inject me but they couldn't get a vein till the 5th time by which I was in tears. However, I saw how many doctors were there on Christmas eve and Christmas day to help out in the children's ward and this created a new dream for me. Since I was about 5 I have wanted to be a doctor and this experiance made me 100% certain that I should be a doctor. Many doctors have played a large part in my life including my own mother. I would like to be a paediatrician and help other children like me who suffer from illnesses like arthritis. After all who better to help than one who has been through the same experiance as you. 
Anyway, illness can make you stronger but also weaker. Poverty is not fair when some have more than what they need and others don't even have a drop of clean water. Most won't even live to achieve their dreams it's not fair. I believe in God and I have one question for him that I'm never going to get answer to but...Why God do you make people suffer? 


Oh how I adore Disney from Playhouse disney and Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, PB&J Otter, Rolie Polie Olie and Bear in the Big Blue House to Disney Channel and Lizzie McGuire, That's So Raven, Phil of the Futre, Cory in the House, Suite Life of Zack and Cody, Sonny with a Chance, Wizards of Waverly Place and Hannah Montana (Yes i'm a Smiler, don't hate me). 

Not only was I obssessed with Disney when I was younger I still am. Yes I don't watch the childish shows and the endless repeats of the same storyline but I love anything cute with mickey or any of the cartoon characters on. I am one of those girls that awhhs at anything with Mickey and Minnie, Bambi or Dumbo on. I would love to collect cuddly children's animals and still have hundreds of children's stuffed disney characters from when I was younger. 

Thinking about it now Disney had such a large impact on me. From Snow White and her ability to talk animals (I still wish I could do that) to Cinderella, the poor girl with an evil family, who still got to find her Prince Charming they were my role models. They created so many amazing dreams for the 5 year old me. How boring is reality wouldn't it be amazing to go on an adventure and still know that there is a Happy Ever After at the end?

Monday 27 January 2014

Leopard/Cat Nails

One of my favourite things to do is paint my nails and experiment with new designs. Another thing I love to do is play with my kitten so what better to do than paint some cat nails!

I did the leopard print using a nail art brush and the paw prints using a dotting tool. I love this design and will do them again. They were really easy to do. I forgot to take the picture after clean up but to clean up i just dip a cotton but or nail art brush in remover and rub the messy edges off.

Sunday 26 January 2014


My first ever blog post how exciting!!!

This is my super cute Bengal kitten, Neela. I just got her for Christmas and OMG I LOVE HER! I never actually thought of myself as a cat person until I bought her. She loves to cuddle when she's sleepy and loves to destroy everything throughout the rest of the day. She has warmed up to me so quickly and is extremely clever. Honestly I think that cats are more clever than humans! If the doors are closed and she needs to go upstairs to eat or use the litter box she will come and bite me...OUCH!...yes very painful but very clever too. She will also climb on everything and is impossible to control haha. I was worried at first but I'm used to it now she's a leopard and she can't be tamed.
For those of you thinking surely there is nothing special about a Bengal cat, she's just a cat right? Nope! Bengal cats were created by crossing an Asian Leopard Cat with a domestic cat. Although they look very wild they are purely domestic. Bengals can have either a silky spotted or marbled coat and can be brown or sometimes white with blue eyes! Bengals have a stunning coat with a 'glitter' affect but not only are they beautiful, they are also very athletic and mischievous! Bengal cats have such a unique meow which sounds as if they are trying to talk to you. Most Bengal cats also love to play with water! Overall Bengals are agile and loving with a hint of wildness.
Neela sleeping on my tummy

Neela loves to jump in the bath if your in there and likes to splash about. It's cute however she does not enjoy being soaked in water. She wakes up at 6 am and meows to be let out of her room as she has got into the habit and I have no idea how to stop yet. she rubs herself on your leg until you pick her up. When we eat she comes and tries to get up onto the table even though she doesn't like human food. She also likes to crawl through the tiniest holes in the house and check to see if there are any mice. Her favourite thing to play with are feathers she enjoys ripping them to bits. Luckily she isn't allowed out otherwise she would end up killing all the birds near our house. She likes to climb into cupboards and wardrobes and sticks her nose in every single corner of every single room.

My favourite thing to do with Neela is cuddle, it's so nice to just sit in silence and cuddle with your feline friend. She sleeps in the funniest poses ever. How cute is her spotted tummy!?! I you rub her tummy though she thinks you're playing and tries to bite you; luckily her teeth aren't that sharp yet but her claws are like knives! Even if she scratches me I can never stop picking her up and smothering her in kisses!