Tuesday 4 February 2014

Oh Neela!

So my kitty keeps getting more curious by the day. She discovered how to get onto the kitchen worktop in one jump...she is so skilled but the concept of No is something she finds hard to accept. 
In the mornings while i am having breakfast she will stand by my feet looking up at me while meowing. She wants to be picked up so that she can sit on the table with me. She will meow at me as if she is talking and gets louder when I reply. Only once I pick her up does she stop and starts purring happily. 
Another thing she does is wake up at about six on the dot every morning. We leave her in the guest room but it's more like Neela's room now. She meows and howls until she is released from the room. Then she rubs herself against you and asks to be picked up. But you can't just leave her downstairs nope she wants company. She will then sit outside my door meowing asking me to come out and play with her. It's fine on weekdays but she does the same thing on weekends. 
I love her to death and her Bengal personality is evolving as days go on. She os getting more playful and wiser. The other day I dropped my make up brush and she decided it was hers. She took it in her mouth and bolted out with it to her room where she attacked it as if it was a living bird or mouse. She also leeps jumping into the bath with or without people and drinks the droplets of water even though there is a perfectly fine bowl of clean water waiting for her. 
Neela after jumping in the shower with me. 

She loves to bite gently and then lick. Without getting her claws out she kicks and plays with you as if your hand is a mouse. I love her soooo much. 
Intently watching TV

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