Tuesday 28 January 2014

Illness/Disease and Poverty

Why does illness/disease and poverty exist? Yes we know disease is caused by germs and poverty because richer countries waste money leaving nothing for the poor but why do certain people get chosen to have a certain illness or to be born into poverty. Did they do something bad in the past or a past life? Or will all of us face something horrific in one of lives or life? Is it just to make us stronger?
Imagine the world without disease and poverty...wouldn't life be soo much easier? 
I was given an illness. I have juvenile arthritis and it developed when I was 11. Old people usually get it and it makes joints ache and swell meeaning you can't move. It just spontaneously appeared and it has completely changed me. Not only has it made me stronger it has also made me more depressed. Living with an illness is not fun and yes there are millions of illnesses like cancer that are a LOT worse and I'm very thankful I have not suffered from them but it is hard at low times for me not to ask Why me? What did I do to deserve this? It has made me more ambitious and more sad. I want to be the best and prove that I am as good as everyone around me but I also want sit in my room and sob my eyes out. 
A lot has changed since I was diagnosed. I used to do 4 hours of dance twice a week, be on the tennis and netball team and go swimming a couple of times a week. But then I was in pain and all that stopped. What do I do next? I needed to have something to show that I wasn't just the ill kid so I decided to play an instrument. I began to play the piano and start singing and began taking grades. However as fun as learning an instrument was, it wasn't me. i'm meant to be sporty not musical. I would still like to go back to dancing and finish all my grades; I started at the age of 3 and I'm not going to stop till i do all 8 grades and reach my goal even if i'm 50 by the end!
The lowest of the lows was one Christmas Day on which I had to spend in hospital. I had to have steroids via an IV which was just horrible. They kept trying to inject me but they couldn't get a vein till the 5th time by which I was in tears. However, I saw how many doctors were there on Christmas eve and Christmas day to help out in the children's ward and this created a new dream for me. Since I was about 5 I have wanted to be a doctor and this experiance made me 100% certain that I should be a doctor. Many doctors have played a large part in my life including my own mother. I would like to be a paediatrician and help other children like me who suffer from illnesses like arthritis. After all who better to help than one who has been through the same experiance as you. 
Anyway, illness can make you stronger but also weaker. Poverty is not fair when some have more than what they need and others don't even have a drop of clean water. Most won't even live to achieve their dreams it's not fair. I believe in God and I have one question for him that I'm never going to get answer to but...Why God do you make people suffer? 

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